

Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources

Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources (LabCCA) is sponsored and governed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and relying on Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics, China University of Geo-Sciences (Beijing),Institute of Geographic and Natural Resources Research. LabCCA has been focusing on the study of carrying capacity assessment, committing on solving the nexus between resource exploitation, environmental protection and socio-economic development at various levels, and dedicating in providing full decision-support for natural resources management and ecological civilization construction, and establishing to be one of the superior think tanks, by through shouldering the National Strategies, frontier socio-economic development demands, and land and resources management practices.

All the opinions expressed here are those of the authors only, not necessary in representing the Ministry or the relying units. You are always welcome to contact us at the address below.


澳大利亚学者Richard Schodde来我院开展讲座
作者:周伟    发表时间:2017-09-27   审核:

2017年9月26日,受国土资源部资源环境承载力评价重点实验室(中国国土资源经济研究院)邀请,澳大利亚MinEx咨询公司总经理,西澳大学(UWA)地球科学学院(School of Earth Sciences)客座教授Richard Schodde来院作了题为“China-Australia Mineral Policies, Mineral Exploitation and Environmental Protection的主题讲座。

讲座由经研院付英副院长主持。付院长向参会人员介绍了Richard Schodde教授Schodde教授在主题演讲中主要介绍了澳大利亚与中国的合作的三个主要协议:Bilateral Dialog for Resources Cooperation (BDRC) Joint Coordination Group (JCG) on Clean Coal TechnologyFree Trade Agreement (FTA),并在过程中具体讲解了澳大利亚的矿业政策;随后Schodde教授介绍了自己即将发表的最新成果,他根据过去20年黄金勘探开发数据,在不同情景下推算了未来四十年黄金矿业的发展趋势,并对具体模型方法进行了简单介绍。期间与会人员就相关问题开展了细致的探讨。陈先达副院长针对煤炭清洁生产、未来四十年黄金产量预测等问题与Richard进行了交流,并要求参会人员珍惜讲座机会,认真挖掘讲座内容中与自己研究领域的相关点,努力提升自己。付院长对讲座进行了总结,强调在座参会人员要认真学习这种技术方法,领悟此次讲座对矿业管理决策支撑服务工作的启示,不断提高用经济手段开展资源领域研究的能力。




    • 自然资源部资源环境承载力评价重点实验室

    • (中国自然资源经济研究院)

    • 地址:北京市259信箱,101149

    • 电话:010-61595824,传真:010-61592117

    • Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment,Ministry of Natural Resources

    • PO BOX 259,BEIJING 101149,CHINA

    • Tel:+86-10-61595824         Fax:010-61592117

邮箱 / mail box
