

Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources

Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources (LabCCA) is sponsored and governed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and relying on Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics, China University of Geo-Sciences (Beijing),Institute of Geographic and Natural Resources Research. LabCCA has been focusing on the study of carrying capacity assessment, committing on solving the nexus between resource exploitation, environmental protection and socio-economic development at various levels, and dedicating in providing full decision-support for natural resources management and ecological civilization construction, and establishing to be one of the superior think tanks, by through shouldering the National Strategies, frontier socio-economic development demands, and land and resources management practices.

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China’s Oil and Gas Perspective and Issues to Secure Supply
作者:袁国华    发表时间:2013-08-28   审核:

 YUAN Guohua (Chinese Academy of Land and Resource Economics, PO BOX 259, BEIJING 101149, CHINA. ghyuan@yahoo.com)


 China is rich in coal and poor in oil and gas. Coal reserve sums up 11.6% of the world total. Coal reserve is allocated very asymmetrically across the country. 94% of China’s total coal reserve is located in the North of Qunlun – Qinling – Dabie Mountains, 89% is located in the West of Da Xinanling – Taihong – Xuefeng Mountains. About 76% of the anthracite is located in Sanxi and Guizhou Provinces, 80% of the coking coal is located in North China.

 Till the end of 2000, China’s accumulated proven oil reserve is 21 billion tons; most of it is located in Eastern China, with the Western Region 19.16% and offshore oil 6.63% respectively. The accumulated proven gas is 2555 billion m3, 72.67% of which is located in Western China, and 13.08% in Eastern and 14.25% offshore gas. China’s oil and gas are located in the most promising 11 basins out of more than 500 sedimentary basins. It is estimated the proven oil reserve is just about 23% of the total oil resource, and the proven gas reserve is about 7% of the gas resource. Till 1999, the exploited oil reserve is about 15.5 billion tons, 75% of the total reserve. The exploited gas reserve is 109 billion m3, 53% of the total gas reserve.

 From 1996 on, China’s oil production reached and maintained at over 150 million tons, and gas production from 20 to 25 billion m3. But the demand keeps growing. In 2000, China’s oil consumption exceeded 230 million tons, with a domestic supply gap of 70 million tons had to rely on import. It is predicted that China’s economy will grow at an annual 7% rate, and the oil consumption grow at 4% annually with domestic production grow at 2% annually in the next 15 years. The gap also keeps growing. In 2005, China’s oil consumption will exceed 250 million tons, with a gap over 80 million tons; and in 2015 the consumption is 320 million with a gap over 130 million tons. As for gas, because of its little portion in energy consumption, China is now enhancing the infrastructure for gas consumption.

 As China is depending upon more and more foreign resources, measures have to be adopted to secure oil and gas supply. As a national strategy, China will try to rely on domestic and foreign resources, and to exploit foreign oil and gas reserves, and to arrange pipelines to import neighboring countries’ oil and gas. Meanwhile to adjust economical structure to build an energy-saving socio-economical system.




    • 自然资源部资源环境承载力评价重点实验室

    • (中国自然资源经济研究院)

    • 地址:北京市259信箱,101149

    • 电话:010-61595824,传真:010-61592117

    • Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment,Ministry of Natural Resources

    • PO BOX 259,BEIJING 101149,CHINA

    • Tel:+86-10-61595824         Fax:010-61592117

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